Farmington Office

477 Wilton Rd., Suite #2 Farmington, ME 04938

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

No matter which of our four locations you visit us at, you will always be greeted by a friendly face. Our front office team will help you with your paperwork and make you feel comfortable while you wait for your hearing specialist.

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Your appointment will begin with a conversation. Our goal is to get to know you better so we can understand your whole situation and how to best help you hear better.
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After our discussion then we will perform an ear exam. We will look inside your ears to determine if your ear canal and eardrum are healthy. This is a necessary step before we can start the hearing test.
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The hearing test is quick and painless. You will wear a pair of special headphones and we will assess your ability to hear different sounds at various frequencies. We will also test how well you can hear speech in noise and in quiet.
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We will go over your results with you and answer any questions you may have.
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If you would be a candidate for hearing aids, we will discuss your options and show you some devices.

Our Office

Farmington Office


Our office is located right next door to Taco Bell / KFC on Wilton Road.